HS Course Offerings: English
- American Literature, grade 11
- College Bound English, grade 12
- Creative Writing, grades 9-12
- English / Composition III, grade 11
- English / Language Arts I, grade 9
- English / Language Arts IV, grade 12
- English / Literature II, grade 10
- Journalism, grades 9-12
- Literature of a Genre: The Short Story, grades 9-12
- Literature of a Period: Contemporary Novel, grades 10-12
- Media and Film Criticism, grades 10-12
- Oral Interp, grades 9-12
- Publication Productions I, II & III, grades 9-12
- Speech, grade 10
- Strategic Reading I & II, grades 9-12
English / Composition III, grade 11
½ credit, RequiredEnglish/Composition courses are designed for juniors and builds upon previous writing skills. Reinforcing the logic and critical-thinking skills that accompany good writing, these courses—which emphasize word choice, usage, and writing mechanics—provide continued and advanced instruction in writing for a variety of purposes and audiences. English/Composition courses may emphasize college or business preparation; literature study may be offered as an additional component in which students analyze examples of several genres.