Register Your Child

Dell Rapids Elementary kindergarten registration will be held on Thursday, March 6 and Friday, March 7. Please complete the following to sign up your child for registration.


Provide any useful information above regarding decisions about your child starting kindergarten next year or special considerations about handling your child's registration.

In the following years, how many Kindergarteners
will your family send?

Who Should Register?

If your child will be 5 on or before September 1, 2025, you must register your child. This registration is for your child to be scheduled for Kindergarten screening. Current KPrep students do not need to register for this year's Kindergarten screening.

Registration Deadline

Online registration closes March 7.

Other ways you can register...

You can register your child via this website or by contacting the elementary school by phone (605-428-5473, option 6).

Kindergarten at DRES

The district offers two programs for students who are age 5 on or before September 1, 2025 and entering kindergarten for the first time: (1) we offer a regular full day kindergarten program, and (2) we offer a full day K-prep program. The K-prep program is for students who may not exhibit Kindergarten readiness.

Questions regarding screening?

Please contact Heidi Adams by email: